Activity & Discussion: Password Reverse Race

Credits CC Last Updated 2016-05

This is an activity that illustrates how most of us create and use weak passwords on a daily basis, while coming up with stronger passwords we want to use in the future.

ADIDS Element

Activity and Discussion

Parent Topic(s)

Creating and Managing Strong Passwords


15-20 minutes

Materials to Prepare

  • A space suitable for the activity given the number of participants - clear any chairs and tables as needed
  • If running the activity in a larger space, or outdoors, colored electric tape to indicate “start” and “finish” lines

Running the Activity

First ask all the participants to stand on one end of the room in a line. Introduce the race as described above with the goal being to see who gets to the other side of the room first.

Step 1. Running the Race

Once the group is ready, call out the following instructions:

  • If you use your birthday for your password, take 2 steps forward.
  • If you use your [mom’s / dad’s / child’s / sister’s / brother’s / partner’s] name in your password, take 2 steps forward.
  • If you use your phone number or anyone else’s phone number for your password, take 2 steps forward.
  • If you use ‘Password’ as your password, take 3 steps forward.
  • If you use ‘1234567890’ as your password, take 3 steps forward.
  • If you use the same password for at least 2 social networking accounts, take 4 steps forward.
  • If you use the same password for your email and your social networking accounts, take 6 steps forward.


While everyone is still standing in their places, ask the participants the following questions:

  • What do you think this activity was about?
  • What do you think is a good password?
  • Why do people not use good passwords?