Resources for the global digital safety training community.
Last Updated 2017-06This dynamic exercise will help you raise participant energy levels and keep the group stimulated. It provides a welcome break from technical training content, while still connecting to digital security themes.
This session was developed for, and should be attributed to, the Institute for War & Peace Reporting resource “Cyberwomen: Holistic Digital Security Training Curriculum for Women Human Rights Defenders” under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International CC BY-SA 4.0 License
Step 1 | Ask the group if they are familiar with the game “basket of fruits” (if not, “musical chairs” is another close reference) – explain that this game is a slightly feministified version.
Step 2 | Have the chairs arranged in a circle, and invite participants to have a seat – there should be one less chair than there are participants, so one person will remain standing.
Step 3 | Assign each participant with the name of an outstanding woman in the her-story of technology or feminism (your choice) – you can even use the same women covered in the exercise “Her-Story of Technology”. Assign the same name to multiple participants.
Step 4 | Explain to the participants what a witch coven is – a night meeting of witches, where they tell stories and cast spells – and tell them that together you’re going to have a witch coven of your own!
Step 5 | Start the coven by beginning a (made-up) story about some of the women in technology you’re honoring:
Repeat the steps above several times until all the women’s names have been called, or until everyone has had the chance to tell part of the story.