Partners and Collaborators

Credits LevelUp Last Updated 2016-06

Whether through participation at Training-of-Trainers, Writesprint, or Localization Sprint workshops, contribution or localization of site content, community outreach and promotion, technical and strategic support, or research and need-finding efforts, this project would not be possible without the support and committment of these individuals and organizations.

LevelUp is a community effort.

This project, this website, and the body of resources and knowledge within and around them are the result of over nearly 4 years of hard work by an emerging community digital safety trainers, training organizations, technical experts, and volunteers. Since LevelUp began in September of 2012, this community has collaborated to create a shared resource and support network for all trainers.

LevelUp was built, and continues to be maintained, by the generous contributions of time, energy, expertise, and insight of many. We’ll be posting the full partner list here shortly.